Instantly vs Mailchimp 2024 (Which Is The Better Cold Email Tool?)

Compare Instantly vs Mailchimp to find the best email marketing platform for outreach campaigns, email customization, and subscriber management.
Written by
Ashwin Mason
September 21, 2024

In the world of email marketing, choosing the right platform can make or break your campaign's success. Instantly and Mailchimp each offer unique benefits for reaching your audience effectively.

Are you looking to maximize engagement with targeted campaigns, or is streamlined automation your top priority?

Overview: Instantly vs. Mailchimp

Instantly and Mailchimp are both popular platforms in the email marketing world, each catering to different needs.

Instantly is great for cold emailing. It's designed for businesses that are trying to reach out to new contacts with personalized emails.

Mailchimp, on the other hand, is more versatile. It focuses on email marketing campaigns where you can build ongoing relationships with existing customers.

You might wonder what makes these tools different besides their core functions.

Target Audience

Instantly works best for startups and small businesses. It's for those who need to generate leads and expand their network.

Mailchimp, on the other hand, is aimed at a broader audience, including small businesses and large enterprises. Mailchimp's focus is on building customer loyalty and nurturing existing relationships.

Core Functionalities

  • Instantly offers tools for tracking and managing cold email campaigns. It helps automate the process of sending personalized emails to new leads.
  • Mailchimp, on the other hand, provides templates, audience segmentation, and analytics. It also integrates well with other marketing platforms.

Mailchimp also offers marketing automation, allowing you to create complex workflows.

Both platforms have easy-to-use dashboards, but Mailchimp has a wider selection of templates and integrations. Think of Mailchimp as a Swiss Army Knife and Instantly as a high-precision scalpel; both functional, but for different tasks.

Key Features Comparison

When comparing Instantly and Mailchimp, there are several features to consider. Both platforms are designed to boost your email marketing game, but each has unique offerings.

Email Automation and AI

Instantly focuses on AI-powered tools to help automate cold email outreach, ensuring your messages land in the right inboxes. Meanwhile, Mailchimp offers automation workflows that are perfect for standard newsletter campaigns.

Integration Options

Mailchimp integrates with a wide range of tools, including CRM systems, making it easy to pull in data from other platforms. On the other hand, Instantly is great for those who want to tap into specific integrations geared towards cold emailing and lead generation.

Customization and Personalization

Customization options allow you to tailor your emails to your audience. Mailchimp offers robust templates and design tools, whereas Instantly provides personalization aimed at enhancing cold email outreach.

Analytics and Reporting

Both platforms offer comprehensive analytics. Mailchimp provides detailed insights on open and click-through rates, while Instantly's focus is on tracking and improving the response rates of cold emails.

Email Sending Accounts

Instantly supports multiple email sending accounts for broader outreach, ideal for scaling sales engagement efforts. Mailchimp, on the other hand, is known for managing marketing campaigns effectively with a single mailing list.

Additional Features

For Mailchimp, features like landing pages and social share options stand out, enabling broader marketing strategies. Meanwhile, Instantly leans into its AI tools and email tracking capabilities, perfect for those focused on cold emailing efforts.

Ease Of Use And User Interface

When choosing between Instantly and Mailchimp, ease of use and the user interface play big roles in decision-making. Both platforms cater to users with varying levels of technical expertise.

Instantly boasts a design that's simple and intuitive. You don't need a degree in design to draft your emails here. With a drag-and-drop editor, creating visually appealing emails becomes a breeze. This makes it easier for users to swiftly draft and adapt emails.

Mailchimp, on the other hand, offers a more advanced set of features. While this provides more options, it can also mean a steeper learning curve for newcomers. Experienced users, though, may appreciate these additional options.

Mailchimp allows users to enjoy a dynamic dashboard that is quite detailed. You can quickly and easily navigate through campaigns with lots of resources available for assistance. It’s like having a digital Swiss Army knife!

The user onboarding process is distinct for each platform. Instantly provides a smooth start, aiming to get you up and running with minimal fuss. In contrast, Mailchimp might require a bit more time to fully harness its potential, but it offers extensive tutorials and a robust support system to help you get there.

Choosing between Instantly and Mailchimp often comes down to your comfort with tech tools. If you prefer straightforward user experiences, Instantly might be your cup of tea. If you're looking for deeper mailing features and don't mind a little tech challenge, Mailchimp could be the better fit.

Pricing And Plans

Comparing pricing between Instantly and Mailchimp can feel like choosing ice cream flavors—deliciously overwhelming. Let’s break it down into bite-sized chunks.


  • Growth ($30/month): Starting with a reasonable fee for small projects.
  • Hypergrowth ($77.6/month): More advanced features for growing businesses, including increased contact limits.
  • Lightspeed ($286.3/month): For large-scale operations that involve heavy email campaigns.


  • Mailchimp's pricing is based on the user's number of contacts, starting at $20/month for 500 contacts all the way to $400/month for 100,000 contacts.

Free Trials

Both platforms offer free trials, giving you a chance to test the waters without diving into your wallet first.

Which Platform Offers Better Value?

If you're a startup or sending out mountains of emails, Instantly might save your day and your wallet. It provides the freedom to send unlimited emails, a bonus for the penny pinchers among us.

Mailchimp is likely a better fit for those who require more robust analytical tools and list segmentation, despite higher costs.

Integrations And Compatibility

When choosing between Instantly and Mailchimp, integrations are a key factor to consider.

Instantly is known for its straightforward integration capabilities. You can connect with various CRM systems easily, ensuring your lead data stays in sync.

Mailchimp, on the other hand, stands out for its extensive integration options. It supports a wide array of third-party apps, like social media platforms and e-commerce stores, without much fuss. This makes it easier to manage your marketing campaigns across different channels.

Both platforms offer API access for custom integrations. This allows you to tailor your email operations to meet specific needs. Instantly's API might be simpler, while Mailchimp’s provides deeper customization.

A surprising twist? Mailchimp can manage your account data more effectively, thanks to its ability to integrate with customer databases and CRMs. It’s like having a digital filing cabinet that stays organized.

For those who prefer flexibility, Mailchimp takes the lead. Its robust options allow you to adapt quickly to changes and add new tools as they become available. It's the Swiss Army knife of integrations, while Instantly offers a more streamlined set of tools suitable for direct email tasks.

Performance And Deliverability

When discussing email deliverability, both Instantly and Mailchimp have strengths to consider.

Instantly aims to offer high deliverability rates by using sophisticated algorithms to manage sender reputation and avoid blacklists. Meanwhile, Mailchimp incorporates robust spam filter processes aimed at maximizing message delivery to your audience.

In terms of managing spam filters, Mailchimp uses domain authentication and regular monitoring to improve deliverability. Instantly, on the other hand, emphasizes real-time monitoring to catch potential issues promptly. This proactive approach helps ensure higher delivery rates, keeping your emails out of the dreaded spam folder.

Both platforms support bulk email sending, but they have different approaches to volume handling.

Instantly is designed for users who need frequent cold email campaigns without being flagged, focusing on minimizing bottlenecks. On the other hand, Mailchimp provides extensive analytics on open rates, clicks, and other metrics, making it easier for you to see how your campaigns are performing.

Open rates play a crucial role in measuring the success of your email campaigns. Mailchimp offers rich analytics tools to track these metrics in great detail. Meanwhile, Instantly, with its focus on real-time performance, provides immediate feedback on campaign results, helping you quickly optimize for better engagement.

Customer Support And Resources

When comparing Instantly and Mailchimp, it's helpful to look at their customer support options.

Instantly: Offers email and chat support. You may find their responses relatively quick, which is useful when you're in a pinch. Many users have noted receiving straightforward and effective solutions to their challenges.

Mailchimp: Provides support through email, chat, and even phone for premium users. Their knowledge base is expansive, offering tutorials and guides for newcomers and seasoned marketers alike. They also have a community forum where users share experiences and tips.

Both platforms offer a variety of resources to help you get the most out of their tools.

Instantly has a simpler setup, which might be less overwhelming for beginners. Meanwhile, Mailchimp's extensive library of online resources and guides makes it easier for users to explore advanced features on their own.

User Opinions: Reviews suggest that Mailchimp's community forum is active, giving you a platform to ask questions and learn from other users’ experiences. Some users appreciate the depth of resources available on Mailchimp, while others find Instantly's customer service more personal and direct.

Pros And Cons Of Instantly And Mailchimp



  • Offers automation and scheduling for emails, a time-saver.
  • Intuitive user interface, easy for beginners.
  • Affordable pricing, ideal for startups and small businesses.


  • Limited integration options with other software.
  • May lack advanced analytics features.
  • Fewer customization options compared to Mailchimp.



  • Rich in advanced features and detailed analytics.
  • Excellent for list segmentation and targeting, boosting engagement.
  • Wide range of integrations with third-party apps.


  • Higher pricing for premium features.
  • The comprehensive interface might overwhelm new users.
  • Can be less cost-effective for small businesses with a small email list.

Which is Better for Small Businesses?

For small businesses, Instantly could be a better fit due to its affordability and simplicity.

Especially if you need a straightforward solution without the frills.

Which is Better for Larger Enterprises?

Mailchimp shines brighter for larger enterprises needing detailed analytics, robust integration, and wide customization options.

Reviewer Preferences:

Reviewers often lean toward Mailchimp for its advanced capabilities. Meanwhile, Instantly remains a favorite for those preferring simplicity and budget-friendly solutions.

Who Should Choose Instantly?

Instantly is perfect for businesses that need to send large quantities of cold emails efficiently.

If your focus is on cold outreach, this tool offers several features that make it an attractive option.

Ideal Business Size:

  • Best for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • Startups looking to expand their client base quickly.

Campaign Types:

  • Perfect for B2B marketing campaigns.
  • Suitable for lead generation.

Why Choose Instantly?

User-Friendly Interface: If you’re not tech-savvy, you’ll find Instantly’s interface straightforward with a gentle learning curve.

No need for a six-month crash course; you’ll be sending emails before you know it.

Features Comparison:

FeatureInstantlyMailchimpCold Email FocusYesLimitedEasy IntegrationYesYesAdvanced AnalyticsBasicRobust

Who Should Choose Mailchimp?

Mailchimp is ideal for businesses looking to grow their audience with sophisticated tools. If you need robust features like segmentation and automation, it's a strong contender.

These capabilities can help you reach the right people at the right time.

If you're in e-commerce or retail, Mailchimp offers several integrations that can enhance your campaigns. Connect easily with Shopify or WooCommerce, for starters.

This ensures your marketing aligns with sales efforts smoothly.

Best suited businesses:

  • Medium to large-sized firms
  • Industries such as retail, fashion, and tech
  • Companies with established marketing teams

Mailchimp shines for users who require advanced analytics. If you like to dive into data, Mailchimp gives you plenty of metrics.

Its reporting tools let you track the success of your campaigns easily.

For those who appreciate user-friendly interfaces, Mailchimp offers an intuitive platform. Setting up campaigns is smooth, even for the less tech-savvy.

Drag-and-drop features make designing emails fun and simple.

Consider Mailchimp for:

  • Businesses needing advanced analytics
  • Teams with some technical expertise
  • Users who value user-friendly design

If you're asking yourself, "Is Mailchimp right for me?" think about your goals.

Do you want powerful automation and integrations? Do you need to analyze data to improve strategies? If so, Mailchimp might just be the tool you need.

FAQ: Instantly vs Mailchimp

1. What is the main difference between Instantly and Mailchimp for email marketing?
Mailchimp is a cloud-based email marketing platform that focuses on creating and managing email campaigns with a wide range of built-in tools, while Instantly is known for its AI sales assistant and effective outreach campaigns. Reviewers felt that Instantly is more aligned for users focused on business outreach, offering email customization options that help enhance email marketing needs.

2. How does Mailchimp’s pricing compare to Instantly's?
Mailchimp pricing is based on the number of subscribers and offers various tiers like the Free Plan and Essentials Plan, depending on your email marketing needs. Instantly also offers a free plan, but its pricing focuses more on outreach campaigns using business email accounts, making it preferred by users looking for cost-effective email workflows.

3. What features make Instantly better for outreach campaigns?
Instantly offers unique features like AI-driven sales assistance and email warmup tools that help users create effective email campaigns. Many reviewers preferred the direction of Instantly for outreach campaigns because it allows users to enrich their email marketing with automation and personalization features not commonly found in other email marketing platforms.

4. Does Mailchimp offer better email customization options?
Mailchimp offers email customization options through templates and drag-and-drop builders, making it easy to create and send campaigns. However, Instantly’s ability to integrate with Hyperise using the image embed method allows for deeper email customization, especially when creating personalized outreach campaigns.

5. How do the two platforms handle email campaign data?
Mailchimp makes the following data points available: open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber activity. Instantly, on the other hand, offers a method to integrate with Hyperise, enriching email campaigns with publicly available profile data and embedding personalized images into emails.

6. Can I use Instantly or Mailchimp to manage multiple email accounts?
Both platforms support multiple email accounts but Instantly is favored for its business email-focused capabilities, particularly in handling large-scale outreach campaigns across multiple accounts. Mailchimp, however, is more geared towards general email marketing and subscriber list management.

7. Do both platforms offer a free plan?
Yes, both Mailchimp and Instantly offer a free plan. Mailchimp’s free plan is limited by the number of subscribers and emails per month, while Instantly’s free plan focuses on giving users a taste of its AI-powered outreach capabilities.

8. What are the pros and cons of Mailchimp vs Instantly?
Mailchimp Pros:

  • Great for creating and managing email campaigns
  • Offers built-in tools for marketing automation
  • Extensive templates and customization options

Mailchimp Cons:

  • Pricing can increase based on the number of subscribers
  • Less focused on business email outreach

Instantly Pros:

  • AI-driven sales assistant and warmup tools for outreach
  • Preferred for business email campaigns
  • Effective email customization options with Hyperise integration

Instantly Cons:

  • More tailored for outreach campaigns rather than broad email marketing
  • Limited free plan compared to Mailchimp

9. What do reviewers say about Instantly vs Mailchimp?
Reviewers preferred the direction of Instantly for its focus on outreach campaigns and AI integration, which helps create and send highly effective email campaigns. Mailchimp is often praised for its comprehensive marketing tools but is seen as less flexible for those specifically looking to enrich their business email outreach strategies.

10. How do I choose between Instantly and Mailchimp?
Choosing between the two depends on your email marketing needs. If you need to create and manage subscriber-based email campaigns, Mailchimp is a solid choice. However, if your focus is on outreach campaigns and personalized email workflows using business emails, Instantly may be more effective for your goals.

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Written by

Ashwin Mason
I'm Ash, a Product designer with an affinity for coffee and design. I've been designing for about 8 years now and had the privilege to work on some great projects. I also love music, food, wine, and a day out.