Your brand is your story. It's the one that you tell, again and again, to anyone who will listen. And it starts with that very first sentence: "Our company creates amazing stories."
But what does it take to create an amazing story? What makes a good story great? And how can you do the same for your brand story? There are so many questions! Luckily, we have some answers too. Let’s break down this process together:
4 Tips
1. Ask yourself key questions:
What are my business goals? Who am I serving? What makes me distinctive? How do I want customers/clients/fans to feel about my company? What do I stand for (mission)? Why am I doing this? How will I communicate my brand story?
2. Set the stage:
Remember this is a story, so it needs to have a beginning, middle, and end that all fit together - your product, services, or company values are the main characters in your story (think starting with an 'inciting incident' like Star Wars). The point of every page/paragraph should be to move you further along toward meeting one of your goals.
3. Craft a single message for each page:
If you can't tell someone what you're trying to accomplish in 60 seconds [or 5 sentences], then it's too complex; break it down. Don't write paragraphs about 3 different topics within your brand story. Pick one topic per paragraph and focus on that topic!
4. Brand your story:
You can start by first writing the top and/or bottom of each page, or use sticky notes for each paragraph – think of these as headlines to what you're writing. Then place a border around all the pages, this will help make it look like an official document (if you want).
Brand Story Example
Brand Story example 1:
"We connect people with each other in a way that makes them happy. We're like Facebook for dogs (but without the drama). Our app is 100% FREE and doesn't even need WiFi to work. Try it now!"
Brand Story example 2:
"Our mission is to build the most memorable food company on earth. In order to accomplish this, we create products that are not only delicious but also fun! When you eat our candy, it will make you smile."
Brand Story example 3:
"At [insert your business name], we believe in making big life moments great again! The experience of every moment matters along the path to success: We help you get there and share your happiness along the journey. Discover the moments that make us great"
Brand Story example 4:
"From morning to evening, our coffee is there when you need it most - to wake up, read a book, write an email or regain energy. We're dedicated to making your day easier and helping you live life on your own terms. That's why we go beyond the coffee shop."
Your brand is your story and it’s the one that you tell again and again to anyone who will listen. And this starts with that very first sentence: “Our company creates amazing stories.”
But what does it take to create an amazing story? What makes a good story great? How can you do the same for your brand story? There are so many questions! Luckily, we have some answers too – let’s break down this process together.
If you ask yourself key questions about your business goals, target audience, values, or mission statement; then set the stage by crafting a single message per page focused on getting closer towards meeting those goals; then finally branding all of these pages into something cohesive like headings at the top and bottom of each page, you’ll have your very own brand story in no time – one that will resonate with anyone who reads it.