The brand name is the most important factor in a successful business. A good brand name conveys an idea, feeling, or attitude about your product and creates a strong connection with your customers. The best brands are memorable, easily spelled and pronounceable, short, distinctive yet not too unusual or different from other well-known brands. These twelve types of brand names will help you come up with one that's perfect for you - or at least get you started thinking creatively about what to call your company.
1. Generic Brand Name
Generic brands are the most common type of brand name. They are meant to show a connection with a general product but have no other connections.

2. Descriptive Brand Name
When a company wants to connect brand names to their products, many will choose descriptive brand names. By doing so, companies are able to let consumers know what the product or service is about before they even buy it.

3. Suggestive Brand Names
Suggestive brand names attempt to connect the consumer's mental processes with the company's product. They do this by using characteristics of both the name and how it works together to suggest something about what a company is selling.

4. Arbitrary or Fanciful Brand Names
An arbitrary brand name is one that does not mean anything in itself. Instead, it refers to a specific characteristic of the product. A company decides on this type of name when they want to leave room for individual interpretation and allow people to associate products with different meanings depending upon their existing experiences.

5. Pronounced Brand Names
Pronounced brands are ones where company's use recognizable sounds from real words but change them slightly so as to avoid infringing upon someone else's copyright or trademark rights. Often pronounced names will sound like the company is trying hard for an unusual way of saying something familiar, which makes them memorable brands that consumers trust more due to their noticeable difference from other companies' names.
6. Initials or Acronyms e.g (AT&T)
Initials of words, acronyms, and other abbreviations are also considered brand names. This type of name is a way for companies to make their products more memorable by taking either the first letters or some always recognizable part from that word as a way to help consumers remember something about their product or service.

7. Trademark e.g (iPod)
Lastly, trademark brands are the ones used by the market leaders in their particular field because they have come up with an innovative approach that is replicable in such a way that it has been established as unique enough to protect by law. A common example is Coca-Cola, which registers its brand name and any word or image it may use as a trademark.

8. Geographic Indicative Brand Names
Geographical indicative brand names are similar to generic brands in that they have no connection to the company's product. However, where a generic brand is an actual word or phrase related to the product, a geographical brand's name tries to play into people's emotional connections with certain areas and will include an area's name in its branding.

9. Experiential Brand Name
Experiential brand names connect consumers with a feeling about a product or service before they even buy it. They do this by using terms for emotions or feelings as part of their business transactions that relate back to their products or services. Some firms even try to inspire these emotions between consumer and product through advertising campaigns and promotional materials.
10. Person's Name as a Brand Name
A company may choose a person's name if they want to connect with people who already have an emotional connection with that person. This emotion may be based on something completely different than the product or service, but in many cases, it can mean greater trust and credibility when associates of well-known people promote their products.
e.g (Zara-Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo )
11. Rhetorical Brand Names
Rhetoric brand names use words that are used as connotations for specific audiences either verbally or through writing. They can make a connection very quickly by using recognizable semantic associations that establish a background for the consumer before he/she even knows what a product is like Canon.
12. Evocative Brand Names
Evocative brand names are ones that try to appeal to the emotions of consumers by using sensory, emotional, and psychological feelings related to their product. Like Honda's name, evocative names try to invoke a sense of fun, success, and other emotions that are related to a consumer's experiences.

In conclusion, there are many different types of brand names that companies can use to try and stand out. As the digital world becomes more crowded with advertising messages every day, it is becoming increasingly difficult for consumers to remember where they saw a product or service before if they haven't purchased from them in the past. There brand names comes from an idea or inspiration from your own brand personality, to aid you here are 15 brand name generator you can use for your business.
If you would like to create your brand name do check out our guide: Creating the Perfect Business Name